The Bloom Pampas Grass and Protea Bouquet pinkThe Bloom Pampas Grass and Protea Bouquet pink

The Bloom Pampas Grass and Protea Bouquet pink


About this product

A stunning mix of pampas grass, protea and natural lagurus Create a gorgeous boho vibe with these fluffy plumes of dried grass and dried flower mix. These will be loosely tied for arrangement in a vase Dried and long lasting with no maintenance required. Gorgeous at home or perhaps for wedding decor creating a beautiful vintage scene


• Made in Netherlands • Weight: 1 lb (453.6 g)

1 in stock



Shipping Details

Shipping is insured on all items. In case your furniture is scratched during the shipment of an order, you would not be held accountable for it. Your furniture is custom made at the factory to your specifications when you order it, and then shipped immediately to your home. Due to this, exact shipping times vary based on the type and quantity of furniture in your order. You will recieve and estmated delivery timeframe after you order.

For an accurate estimate for your desired furniture, please call us at 1 (650) 617-0220 today!